Hot Lightbox – WordPress Lightbox plugin allows you to include series of images from any directory with images on your server. This plugin automatically creates thumbnails from your images, as per given parameters. All you need to do is to select a directory with your images. If you install this theme using HotStart method, our Hot Lightbox plugin ($15 value) will be installed as well.
This plugin automatically creates thumbnail images and save them in /thumbs subdirectory of your directory with images. You select the thumbnail images width and height in the plugin properties. Also, you can select quality of the thumbnail images. The plugin will also create a Lightbox slide show. Click on any thumbnail image will open a larger image in the Lightbox pop-up. User can browse images (prev/next) in the pop-up while the rest of the website area will be faded out. Click on any point outside of the Lightbox slide show will bring the website back.