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HotStart Setup (with demo)

Once you finish this installation method, you should get exactly the same copy of this Demo site on your server. Let’s start!

  1. Unzip file “” from the archive you downloaded after purchase. Unzip this archive to your computer.
  2. Using FTP software (such as FileZilla) upload all files and folders to your hosting space. Make sure that folder where you uploaded files is writable (chmod 755).
  3. In browser, open address (change “” with your URL, change “wordpress” with folder name where you uploaded files).
  4. Click “Create a Configuration File” button.
  5. Make sure that you have created an empty MySQL database on your server. Use your hosting control panel to do that (or ask hosting support for assistance). Click “Let’s Go” button.
  6. Enter empty Database Name, Database’s User Name, Database User’s Password, Database Host. Click Submit button.
  7. If all database parameters were OK, you will see “Run the Install” button, so click it now.
  8. On the next page, you will see some parameters that you can’t edit now, but you can edit them later in WordPress. Please click Install WordPress button.
  9. Click Log In button to login to WordPress admin’s dashboard. Your temporary administrator’s username and password will be “admin” and “admin”.
  10. Under Users, click Your Profile. Change your email address and password. Click Update Profile button.

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