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Control of Menus


Sparky Framework for WordPress gives you a full control over all menus’ styling and functionalities. It will recognize all menus that you created in your WordPress.

In Sparky Options, under Menus tab, you’ll find all your menus represented as tabs. Click on any of the tabs will open a drop-down box which allows you to select one of the offered menu systems:

  • Drop-down Menu (horizontal menu with vertical drop-down submenu)
  • Horizontal Menu (horizontal menu with horizontal drop-down submenu)
  • Vertical Accordion (vertical menu with submenu which opens as accordion)
  • WP Classic (unordered list of menu items, in horizontal or vertical layout)

After you select desired the menu system, additional options for this menu system will be opened. Those options allows you to set layout, size and colors of the menu.


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