Plugins Used


WooCommerce is the leading online-shop solution for WordPress! It is a good solution if you need to sell your goods online and drive your business to new heights. Despite being open source software, it powers large online shops providing the performance, usability and security you expect from professional software.

This theme has been designed to support WooCommerce plugin. On our demo, you can see the store front page, single product pages and checkout pages. All those pages are designed in accordance with overall theme design.

Contact Form 7*

The best free solution for making contact forms within your WordPress site. You can see this plugin in action on the Contact Us page of this demo. You can use this plugin to create even more complex forms and let visitors of your site contact you providing all necessary data in the contact forms.

Hot Full Carousel

Hot Full Carousel is WordPress plugin that acts as an endless carousel. It can occupy entire space of the screen, no matter how big it is. What’s achieved by this? Users with higher screen resolution usually have a lot of empty space when visiting a website that has a regular width. The Hot Full Carousel can span the entire horizontal space making the site more interesting. User can oversee the slide that’s about to come, and also those that’s passed over the screen recently. Using the navigation, user’s able to browse through the slides. There are several types of easing that can be applied to the scrolling animation. Also, some or all slides from the set can be linked. It’s possible to have up to 20 slides in the rotation (more is not recommended because it could slow down site). For every slide we have a “slot” in the widget parameters where we can assign image, heading, text and optionally link.

This widget should be placed in a container that has width set to 100%. If you are using another theme, make sure that’s your case, otherwise, the widget won’t be able to occupy the entire space. However, in this theme everything is pre-configured, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Hot Category News

This plugin shows excerpts of post from a selected category as a widget. You can select number of posts that will be fetched, enable or disable images, limit amount of text and select post info that would be displayed.

Although it’s a simple plugin, it could be very useful if you need to publish posts from certain categories only.

Hot Weather

Hot Weather is a WordPress plugin for weather forecast developed by HotThemes. This plugin is based on simpleWeather jQuery plugin. This is a very powerful and configurable plugin which uses Yahoo! Weather service for weather forecast. If you want to determine will this plugin show weather forecast for your area, simply visit Yahoo! Weather website and check it there.

This plugin don’t have too much parameters. You can select Fahrenheit or Celsius for temperature unit. And finally, you can select your location by entering your location WOEID. To find our your location WOEID, please visit

For the Hot Golf theme, we included an icon of current weather conditions, current temperature, city and country.

Hot Photo Gallery

All you need to enrich your WordPress site with simple galleries of images is the Hot Photo Gallery plugin.

There are just 2 steps needed to set this plugin up.

  1. Upload images for Gallery in a folder on your server (using WordPress Media Manager or FTP).
  2. Make a page or post in WordPress and, beside other content, add use this shortcode:


Important: Please remove the two * from the above code! They are included here to prevent the plugin to run on this page. Also, change “wp-content/uploads/myfolder” with your actual folder path, relative to WordPress root folder.

Hot Maps

Hot Maps plugin will help you to integrate maps from the popular Google’s service to your WordPress site in an easy way. With this plugin activated, you would not need to copy/paste code the code snippets from Google. Instead, you can simply enter your location and dimensions of the map as a shortcode.

To learn more about this WordPress plugin, please visit main WordPress Google Maps plugin page.


* This plugin is not developed by our team. It’s available for free download from official WordPress plugins repository.